1,484 research outputs found

    The millimeter-wave properties of superconducting microstrip lines

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    We have developed a novel technique for making high quality measurements of the millimeter-wave properties of superconducting thin-film microstrip transmission lines. Our experimental technique currently covers the 75-100 GHz band. The method is based on standing wave resonances in an open ended transmission line. We obtain information on the phase velocity and loss of the microstrip. Our data for Nb/SiO/Nb lines, taken at 4.2 K and 1.6 K, can be explained by a single set of physical parameters. Our preliminary conclusion is that the loss is dominated by the SiO dielectric, with a temperature-independent loss tangent of 5.3 ± 0.5 x 10^(-3) for our samples

    Quasi-optical SIS mixers with normal metal tuning structures

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    We recently reported (1996) a quasi-optical SIS mixer which used Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions and a normal-metal (Al) tuning circuit to achieve an uncorrected receiver noise temperature of 840 K (DSB) at 1042 GHz. Here we present results on several different device designs, which together cover the 300-1200 GHz frequency range. The mixers utilize an antireflection-coated silicon hyper-hemispherical lens, a twin-slot antenna, and a two-junction tuning circuit. The broad-band frequency response was measured using Fourier transform spectrometry (FTS), and is in good agreement with model calculations. Heterodyne tests were carried out from 400 GHz up to 1040 GHz, and these measurements agree well with the FTS results and with calculations based on Tucker's theory (1985)

    Low-noise 1 THz niobium superconducting tunnel junction mixer with a normal metal tuning circuit

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    We describe a 1 THz quasioptical SIS mixer which uses a twin-slot antenna, an antireflection-coated silicon hyperhemispherical lens, Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions, and an aluminum normal-metal tuning circuit in a two-junction configuration. Since the mixer operates substantially above the gap frequency of niobium (nu >~ 2 Delta/h ~ 700 GHz), a normal metal is used in the tuning circuit in place of niobium to reduce the Ohmic loss. The frequency response of the device was measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer and agrees reasonably well with the theoretical prediction. At 1042 GHz, the uncorrected double-sideband receiver noise temperature is 840 K when the physical temperature of the mixer is 2.5 K. This is the first SIS mixer which outperforms GaAs Schottky diode mixers by a large margin at 1 THz

    Low-noise slot antenna SIS mixers

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    We describe quasi-optical SIS mixers operating in the submillimeter band (500-750 GHz) which have very low noise, around 5 h/spl nu//k/sub B/ for the double-sideband receiver noise temperature. The mixers use a twin-slot antenna, Nb/Al-Oxide/Nb tunnel junctions fabricated with optical lithography, a two-junction tuning circuit, and a silicon hyperhemispherical lens with a novel antireflection coating to optimize the optical efficiency. We have flown a submillimeter receiver using these mixers on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and have detected a transition of H/sub 2//sup 18/O at 745 GHz. This directly confirms that SIS junctions are capable of low-noise mixing above the gap frequency

    Thin-film chemical sensors based on electron tunneling

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    The physical mechanisms underlying a novel chemical sensor based on electron tunneling in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) tunnel junctions were studied. Chemical sensors based on electron tunneling were shown to be sensitive to a variety of substances that include iodine, mercury, bismuth, ethylenedibromide, and ethylenedichloride. A sensitivity of 13 parts per billion of iodine dissolved in hexane was demonstrated. The physical mechanisms involved in the chemical sensitivity of these devices were determined to be the chemical alteration of the surface electronic structure of the top metal electrode in the MIM structure. In addition, electroreflectance spectroscopy (ERS) was studied as a complementary surface-sensitive technique. ERS was shown to be sensitive to both iodine and mercury. Electrolyte electroreflectance and solid-state MIM electroreflectance revealed qualitatively the same chemical response. A modified thin-film structure was also studied in which a chemically active layer was introduced at the top Metal-Insulator interface of the MIM devices. Cobalt phthalocyanine was used for the chemically active layer in this study. Devices modified in this way were shown to be sensitive to iodine and nitrogen dioxide. The chemical sensitivity of the modified structure was due to conductance changes in the active layer

    Insulator interface effects in sputter‐deposited NbN/MgO/NbN (superconductor–insulator–superconductor) tunnel junctions

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    All refractory, NbN/MgO/NbN (superconductor–insulator–superconductor) tunnel junctions have been fabricated by in situ sputter deposition. The influence of MgO thickness (0.8–6.0 nm) deposited under different sputtering ambients at various deposition rates on current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of small‐area (30×30 ÎŒm) tunnel junctions is studied. The NbN/MgO/NbN trilayer is deposited in situ by dc reactive magnetron (NbN), and rf magnetron (MgO) sputtering, followed by thermal evaporation of a protective Au cap. Subsequent photolithography, reactive ion etching, planarization, and top contact (Pb/Ag) deposition completes the junction structure. Normal resistance of the junctions with MgO deposited in Ar or Ar and N2 mixture shows good exponential dependence on the MgO thickness indicating formation of a pin‐hole‐free uniform barrier layer. Further, a postdeposition in situ oxygen plasma treatment of the MgO layer increases the junction resistance sharply, and reduces the subgap leakage. A possible enrichment of the MgO layer stoichiometry by the oxygen plasma treatment is suggested. A sumgap as high as 5.7 mV is observed for such a junctio

    Multiplexable Kinetic Inductance Detectors

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    We are starting to investigate a novel multiplexable readout method that can be applied to a large class of superconducting pair-breaking detectors. This readout method is completely different from those currently used with STJ and TES detectors, and in principle could deliver large pixel counts, high sensitivity, and Fano-limited spectral resolution. The readout is based on the fact that the kinetic surface inductance L_s of a superconductor is a function of the density of quasiparticles n, even at temperatures far below T_c. An efficient way to measure changes in the kinetic inductance is to monitor the transmission phase of a resonant circuit. By working at microwave frequencies and using thin films, the kinetic inductance can be a significant part of the total inductance L, and the volume of the inductor can be made quite small, on the order of 1 ”m^3. As is done with other superconducting detectors, trapping could be used to concentrate the quasiparticles into the small volume of the inductor. However, the most intriguing aspect of the concept is that passive frequency multiplexing could be used to read out ~10^3 detectors with a single HEMT amplifier

    Development of Low Noise THz SIS Mixer Using an Array of Nb/Al-AlN/NbTiN Junctions

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    We report the development of a low noise and broadband SIS mixer aimed for 1 THz channel of the Caltech Airborne Submillimeter Interstellar Medium Investigations Receiver (CASIMIR), designed for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, (SOFIA). The mixer uses an array of two 0.24 mum^2 Nb/Al-AlN/NbTiN SIS junctions with the critical current density of 30-50 kA/cm^2 . An on-chip double slot planar antenna couples the mixer circuit with the telescope beam. The mixer matching circuit is made with Nb and gold films. The mixer IF circuit is designed to cover 4-8 GHz band. A test receiver with the new mixer has a low noise operation in 0.87-1.12 THz band. The minimum receiver noise measured in our experiment is 353 K (Y = 1.50). The receiver noise corrected for the loss in the LO injection beam splitter is 250 K. The combination of a broad operation band of about 250 GHz with a low receiver noise makes the new mixer a useful element for application at SOFIA

    A planar quasi-optical SIS receiver for array applications

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    A planar, quasi-optical SIS receiver operating at 230 GHz is described. The receiver consists of a 2 x 5 array of half wave dipole antennas with ten niobium-aluminum oxide-niobium SIS junctions on a quartz dielectric-filled parabola. The 1.4 GHz intermediate frequency is coupled from the mixer via coplanar strip transmission lines and 4:1 balun transformers. The receiver is operated at 4.2 K in a liquid helium immersion cryostat. We report accurate measurements of the performance of single receiver elements. A mixer noise temperature of 89 K DSB, receiver noise temperature of 156 K DSB, and conversion loss of 3 dB into a matched load have been obtained

    Characterization of submillimetre quasi-optical twin-slot double-junction SIS mixers

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    We report on the continuing development of submillimetre quasi-optical slot antenna SIS mixers, which use two-junction tuning circuits. Direct and heterodyne Fourier transform spectrometer measurements have been performed to compare device performance with predictions. Demonstrated double-sideband receiver noise temperatures of better than 540 K at 808 GHz make these SIS mixers substantially better than GaAs Schottky receivers for the astronomically important CI and CO transitions near 810 GHz
